Salam Aidilfitri to everyone !
The blossoms of raya ( eid ) on land, Allahu Rabbi nobody can describe how grateful am I cz I ve felt once how it was to celebrate the festive without the familes! Realising that next year I may miss this on land again, so Im celebrating this year's eid with all of my heart haha.
My mom's hometown is half an hour dist from my house . Same goes to my dad's so yes, I never get to feel the hours of journey to balik kampung for raya. But I know soon or later I will haha. The night before raya my grandma 's house was blacked out for hours since we had our iftar! The next morning, on the first day raya was heavily raining and so everyone was late to the mosque. I was thinking, if the rain didnt stop till few more hours, I better forget about getting ready, makeup, dress up, and continue sleeping ahh you know the joy of this equation? sleep+rain+kampung house = Gebor ! ( blanket !) haha. But it stopped early so okay, had to raya.
I love the most how chaotic the house be when it comes to the nagy women waking up everyone to go shower and get ready, the men that always with the towels on the head waiting for their turns to use bathroom and the kids who usually are ready to raya much earlier than anyone else in the house, and the babies who keep crying. For me I had to get ready early cz I always take a lot of time for the shawls you know Im such a nooby -,-. After the showers, usually me and my aunts together with the dara pingitans will go no where else but in front of the mirror to do make up ! Since I was small, till now that s how my pagi raya looks like. It's really fun trust me ! Exchanging make up stuffs, then I had to go to the kids because monkey see monkey do, when they saw us they wanted to put on some on their faces too ! bla2, makeup session takes at least 40 minutes. After that was the photography session and another chaotic one, distribution of duit raya ( can I call it as raya token haha basically it's a gift to the youngers in form of money during eid). The kids didnt line up properly so when they start to realize that they missed some , they or their parents hahah will shout for " eaa you havent give! ea I havent get from you!'' .Then only the forgiving session with everyone. Actually by right this has to be done before anything else started. Even this , they couldnt stop in being funny and chaotic haha. My tears dropped two times in the morning, once when I ask for mom's forgiveness and second was when Aghis called me up for one to two minutes by satellite phone.
My pagi raya is always, always fun in Rengit because of my cool family members especially the aunts and uncles tho not everyone was there.
In the evening my family and I went to Ayah's hometown and few of his siblings' houses then the next day we were back to my house , and went back again to Rengit. The third raya as usual, it's JB turns, and that also we have to make a second round maybe by next week ! Too many relatives in JB or I can say, almost eveyone is there haha and the fourth raya was a routine together with my besties visiting the friends. As we are getting older it's no longer about quantity but quality. Since everyone has their own studies and careers, we sometimes tend to not bother especially when it has been years since you met some of them. So to get back the chance of meeting few of them in this Syawal was a good opportunity to catch up.
It's 5th day Syawal and I plan to do nothing but enjoying the stays at home and maybe to go with the parents for raya visit to their friend's and at the same time waiting for the guess to come over. For me and my family, we really enjoy to welcome the guesses ! It's rezeki ...
Okay so you may view my raya photos in FB and Instagram . I dont private them so you may stalk without me knowing too no worries :)
p/s My phone screen cracked a day before raya. I was just get down from the car once we arrived at my grandma's house and a kid which I had no idea whose son was that maybe one of from the neighborhood suddenly chased me with a frog in his punch ! He even squinched it like womagad I dont want to recap so I ran like Usain Bolt till I realize that I had dropped my phone -,- That boy haaaa ergh !
About Me
Hi, I am the author Elegance Blog.This blog is to provide you with daily outfit ideas and share my personal style.
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